Fan Club

Haters.. those that talk negatively about someone else’s success…

Get a promotion.. here come the haters

Get a raise.. here come the haters

Start a business…here come the haters

Be happy…here come the haters

You can’t stop haters from coming. Maybe they are jealous of your success, maybe they are unhappy within themselves, maybe they are just mad at the world..they don’t realize that it’s that negative energy that keeps them from succeeding and being truly happy in life.. Let them hate, it’s their job..

Don’t let haters steal your joy. When they try, smile.. when they keep trying to bring you down, smile bigger..when they keep coming, smile brighter..and keep climbing!

Use haters as a stepping stone to rise to the top! The best way to bring down a hater is to succeed!!

Every time a hater looks up, let them see you winning! After all, haters are your biggest fans!

Allowing haters into your success is simply NOT AN OPTION!

One thought on “Fan Club

  1. I love this! I have recently started to feel that from now on I’ll put me first and let the haters hate. Regardless of what I do they will still be haters and hate on me, but I will no longer give them the power! Xx


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