You’re Free to Go

I. Forgive. You… three of the hardest words in the English language..

I didn’t understand the power of these words until I was faced with needing to say them..not just to the person who hurt me, but to myself..

A good friend told me to understand that we don’t know what happened in her life to make her so angry and bitter.. we don’t know what she has been through and what struggles she has had to overcome.. this gave me a completely different perspective on the struggle I was having to forgive.. this perspective made my decision to forgive instantly..

The hurt and anger I was holding on to caused me not to speak to her for over a decade.. and now she may not remember me as she has dementia.. I was holding on to the fear that if I let go, she would only hurt me again..

This same friend of mine reminded me that forgiveness is not just for the other person, but it is for ourselves.. forgiving her will bring closure to a lifetime of pain in which I can now release her and myself.. maybe she needs to be released so she can make her transition into peace.. I need to be released so I can live in peace..

One day, I’m going to be close to the end of my life, and I would want forgiveness from those I have hurt.. how can I expect to be forgiven if I don’t forgive??

On this day, I forgive you.. I release you..

On this day, I forgive and release myself..

Choosing to keep them prisoner is simply NOT AN OPTION!!

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