Cover to Cover

Imagine sitting on the couch, in your favorite robe or pajamas, with a cup of warm tea, and you open up a book that you’ve been dying to read…

Now imagine if that book was a book of your life.. what would it say? How would you depict yourself? Would it tell of horrible tragedies and the lowest points in your life??

Now imagine reading up to the chapter that represents your age right now..and then the pages that follow are all blank..

You are the author of your book.. the pages are blank because you haven’t written them.. your future is like blank pages just waiting to be filled with life..what will you write??

The pages before are already written and there’s nothing you can do to change them.. you can’t rewrite the need to keep rereading what has already taken place.. it’s time to move forward and write a great story.. write a story about triumph and victories.. write a story about winning and succeeding.. write a story about overcoming adversity and living life to the fullest..the blank pages are your future… what will you write??

Leaving the pages blank means an incomplete life and that is simply NOT AN OPTION!!!

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