Clear the Mechanism

A term often used in baseball, I first heard this in the movie, “For the Love of the Game” starring Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston..In the movie, he’s a major league pitcher, pitching in his last career he is setting up to pitch, he tells himself to “clear the mechanism” and all the noise around him fades away and the only thing he focuses on is the pitch.

We spend so much time focusing on everything around us that we don’t focus on what’s in front of us. We spend so much time worried about what he said or she said that we don’t pay attention to what we say.. we spend so much time worrying about how this person got what they have and not enough time focusing on how to get what we want..we spend so much time worrying what others are doing, that we don’t even know what we are doing..

I was researching something this morning and found myself in that exact spot.. worrying about someone else’s success that I failed to look at my own successes.. that woke me up!

Everybody has a journey and everybody’s journey is not the same. Our paths may be different with different struggles and bumps, but our destinations all lead to success! You know how people slow down when they see an accident?? They’re just trying to see what’s going on and it slows down all of traffic.. the same thing happens when you focus on everybody else’s success.. it just slows you down from achieving yours!

Clear your mechanism and stay focused on the prize.. your journey and your success!!

Slowing down to see the accident is simply NOT AN OPTION…

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